Public Safety Building
Guilford Technical Community College
Jamestown, North Carolina
The Public Safety Building is a multi use classroom and training  facility.  It houses a two garage bay fire training unit.  Police training, emergency medical / paramedic training and a crime lab among other public safety related laboratories.

From the pictures below it may be hard to see but the building is designed and built on a reversed pyramid design.  The second floor extends out 2 feet beyond the first floor and the roof extends out 4 feet beyond the second floor.

This was an easy but challenging job.  The building itself was an easy build.  The challenge was completing the job during the period of El Nino.  If anyone remembers very well we had about 18 months of extremely heavy rainfall.  Encountering continuous rain delays in the beginning of the project I rethought  my planing and scheduling process.  I decided to build the building from the top down instead of the bottom up.  Once the foundations were in and the steel erection was complete I concentrated my work on the upper levels falling back to the ground level during the brief gaps between rains.

The project was one of the few jobs that was completed on schedule during that extreme period of bad weather

This was a Multi-Prime Project. 

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This was an MB Kahn Project.
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